Saturday, February 16, 2013

Howto Install WhatsApp On BlackBerry PlayBook


Recently, my cousin asked me if there is a way to install WhatsApp on her BlackBerry PlayBook with OS version 2.1. Actually YES YOU CAN!

BlackBerry Playbook is capable of running Android applications to a certain extent, use this APK To Bar Converter.

Or, here is a working copy of WhatsApp I have uploaded: Download WhatsApp.

Now, in order to install this thing, You need The DDPB software. You can find it here: Download DDPB.msi.

And here is how to use the DDPB in order to install the applications on your Playbook:

Best regards!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two different ways to find file extension in PHP

You can find a file extension in PHP using different ways.

Today I'll show you two different ways.

The first is a built-in PHP function called pathinfo(), which is used as follows:
$ext = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
 Or by using some geeky PHP code as follows:
$path = '/path/to/img.gif';
$path = explode('.',$path);
$path = end($path);
That's It!
Sometimes, the key is in simplicity 

Howto Solve: "Error: extension did not match expected (keystore)"

Some times when signing a PhoneGap Android Application, you run into this error:
Error: extension did not match expected (keystore)
Open cmd type: cd C:\java path\java\jdk7\bin

A command line solution is:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore yourappname.keystore -alias appnamealias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
After that you will have an new release keystore for your application!