Saturday, February 16, 2013

Howto Install WhatsApp On BlackBerry PlayBook


Recently, my cousin asked me if there is a way to install WhatsApp on her BlackBerry PlayBook with OS version 2.1. Actually YES YOU CAN!

BlackBerry Playbook is capable of running Android applications to a certain extent, use this APK To Bar Converter.

Or, here is a working copy of WhatsApp I have uploaded: Download WhatsApp.

Now, in order to install this thing, You need The DDPB software. You can find it here: Download DDPB.msi.

And here is how to use the DDPB in order to install the applications on your Playbook:

Best regards!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two different ways to find file extension in PHP

You can find a file extension in PHP using different ways.

Today I'll show you two different ways.

The first is a built-in PHP function called pathinfo(), which is used as follows:
$ext = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
 Or by using some geeky PHP code as follows:
$path = '/path/to/img.gif';
$path = explode('.',$path);
$path = end($path);
That's It!
Sometimes, the key is in simplicity 

Howto Solve: "Error: extension did not match expected (keystore)"

Some times when signing a PhoneGap Android Application, you run into this error:
Error: extension did not match expected (keystore)
Open cmd type: cd C:\java path\java\jdk7\bin

A command line solution is:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore yourappname.keystore -alias appnamealias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
After that you will have an new release keystore for your application!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

AndroChef Unlimited Runs (Without Cracking)!!!

This is my first effective post in the blog.

I know it is not that rich. I have much much richer stuff to share... It is just a question of time.

Well, everyone who used AndroChef Java Decompiler knows that it is limited for only 10 runs!

This method requires NO CRACK, NO PATCH, NO SERIAL!

The trick to get 10 new runs is too easy:
  1. Goto the "Control Panel" and create a new user.
  2. Hold "Shift" key and right click on the AndroChef icon.
  3. Now click "Run as different user".
  4. You'll be prompted to enter the user and the password, enter the ones you've created previously in step one!
  5. That's it!! You now have 10 new runs for this user! You can repeat steps 2 to 4 whenever you wanna run it!
Note: Whenever you want 10 new runs or you have reached your maximum, delete the created user (with his files) and create a new one and so on!

Hope this was useful!

Happy reversing,